- Info
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Albrecht A, Jung C, Schindler D, 2019: Improving empirical storm damage models by coupling with high-resolution gust speed data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 268: 23-31.
- D'Acunha B, Morillas L, Black TA, Christen A, Johnson MS, 2019: Net ecosystem carbon balance of a peat bog undergoing restoration: integrating CO2 and CH4 fluxes from eddy covariance and aquatic evasion with DOC drainage fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 124 (4): 884-901.
- Behrens J, Matzarakis A, 2019: Quantitative Untersuchung von atmosphärischem Stress – UV, Hitze und Ozon. Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 79 (11-12): 460-464.
- Fotelli MN, Korakaki E, Paparrizos SA, Radoglou K, Awada T, Matzarakis A, 2019: Environmental controls on the seasonal variation in gas exchange and water balance in a near-coastal Mediterranean Pinus halepensis forest. Forests , 10(4), 313: 1-18.
- Fröhlich D, Gangwisch M, Matzarakis A, 2019: Effect of radiation and wind on thermal comfort in urban environments - Application of the RayMan and SkyHelios model. Urban Climate, 27: 1-7.
- Giannaros T, Kotroni V, Lagouvardos K, Matzarakis A, 2019: Climatology and trends of the Euro-Mediterranean thermal bioclimate International Journal of Climatology, 38: 3290-3308.
- Jung C, Schindler D, 2019: Precipitation Atlas for Germany (GePrA). Atmosphere, 10, 737.
- Jung C, Schindler D, 2019: Wind speed distribution selection - a review of recent development and progress. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 114, 109290.
- Jung C, Schindler D, 2019: Changing wind speed distributions under future global climate. Energy Conversion and Management 198, 111841.
- Jung C, Schindler D, 2019: Historical Winter Storm Atlas for Germany (GeWiSA). Atmosphere, 10, 387.
- Jung C, Schindler D, 2019: The role of air density in wind energy assessment - A case study from Germany. Energy, 171: 385-392.
- Jung C, Taubert D, Schindler D, 2019: The temporal variability of global wind energy - Long-term trends and inter-annual variability. Energy Conversion and Management, 188: 462-472.
- Laemmel T, Mohr M, Schack-Kirchner H, Schindler D, Maier M, 2019: 1D air pressure fluctuations cannot fully explain the natural pressure-pumping effect on soil gas transport. Soil Science Society of America Journal, DOI:10.2136/sssaj2018.09.0379.
- Laemmel T, Mohr M, Longdoz B, Schack-Kirchner H, Lang F, Schindler D, Maier M, 2019: From above the forest into the soil – How wind affects soil gas transport through air pressure fluctuations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 265: 424-434.
- Lee H, Mayer H, Kuttler W, 2019: To what extent does the air flow initialisation of the ENVI-met model affect human heat stress simulated in a common street canyon? International Journal of Biometeorology; 63: 73-81.
- Lenz S, Schönherr M, Geier M, Krafczyk M, Pasquali A, Christen A, Giometto M, 2019: Towards real-time simulation of turbulent air flow over a resolved urban canopy using the cumulant lattice Boltzmann method on a GPGPU. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; 189: 151-162.
- Matzarakis A, Fröhlich D, Bermon S, Adami PE, 2019: Visualization of Climate Factors for Sport Events and Activities - The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Atmosphere, 10 (10): 572.
- McKendry IG, Christen A, Lee S-C, Ferrara M, Strawbridge KB, O'Neill N, Black A, 2019: Impacts of an intense wildfire smoke episode on surface radiation, energy and carbon fluxes in southwestern British Columbia, Canada Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19: 835-846.
- Mohr M, Laemmel T, Maier M, Schindler D, 2019: Inexpensive high-precision System for measuring air pressure fluctuations. Meteorological Applications. DOI: 10.1002/met.1815.
- Nouri AS, Matzarakis A, 2019: The Maturing Interdisciplinary Relationship between Human Biometeorological Aspects and Local Adaptation Processes: An Encompassing Overview. Climate, 7 (134): 1-32.
- Schindler D, Mohr M, 2019: No resonant response of Scots pine trees to wind excitation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 265: 227-244.
- Staiger H, Laschewski G, Matzarakis A, 2019: Selection of Appropriate Thermal Indices for Applications in Human Biometeorological Studies. Atmosphere. 10 (1): 18.
- Theeuwes NE, Ronda RJ, Harman IN, Christen A, Grimmond CSB, 2019: Parametrizing Horizontally-Averaged Wind and Temperature Profiles in the Urban Roughness Sublayer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 17, 321–348.
- Yang S-Q, Matzarakis A, 2019: Implementation of human thermal comfort and air humidity in Köppen-Geiger climate classification and importance towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Online First, 1-18.
Book chapters
Christen A, 2019: Vertikale Gliederung der Stadtatmosphäre (Vertical structure of the urban atmosphere, in German). In: Lozán, J L, Breckle S-W, Graßl H, Kuttler W, Matzarakis A (Hrsg.). "Warnsignal Klima: Die Städte". Hamburg, pp. 36-42
Matzarakis A, Christen A, 2019: Variabilität von meteorologischen Parametern in Städten (Variability of meteorological elements in cities, in German). In: Lozán, J L, Breckle S-W, Graßl H, Kuttler W, Matzarakis A (Hrsg.). "Warnsignal Klima: Die Städte". Hamburg, pp. 43-47
Lee H., Mayer H, 2019: Planerische Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von lokalem Hitzestress für Menschen (Planning measures to reduce local heat stress for humans, in German). In: Lozán, J L, Breckle S-W, Graßl H, Kuttler W, Matzarakis A (Hrsg.). "Warnsignal Klima: Die Städte". Hamburg, pp. 263-268.