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Dr. William Morrison

Will Morrison

Dr. William Morrison
Post-doctoral researcher

Werthmannstrasse 10
79085 Freiburg
Room 00.007

Phone +49 761 203 6822
Mobile: +49 176 3267 3012
ORCiD 0000-0003-1568-8226


William Morrison is a postdoc at the University of Freiburg since June 2022. He did Physical Geography (BSc) at King's College London, UK (2012), and a PhD at the University of Reading, UK (2018). Between 2018 and 2022 he worked as a postdoc at the University of Reading.


Since 2018 William has worked on the urbisphere measurement campaign with Daniel Fenner in Berlin (2019 - 2022) and  leads the measurement campaign in Paris (2022 - 2024).

William is interested in observation of urban areas from satellites, and the validation of these observations using novel ground-based networks of weather stations. He is interested in using these observations to help validate and improve the next-gen weather forecasting models (e.g. O100 m resolution).

Current Research Projects

Recent Publications

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

  • Chrysoulakis, N., Grimmond, S., Feigenwinter, C., Lindberg, F., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J.-P., Marconcini, M., Mitraka, Z., Stagakis, S., Crawford, B., Olofson, F., Landier, L., Morrison, W., & Parlow, E. (2018). Urban energy exchanges monitoring from space. Scientific Reports, 8(1).
  • Crawford, B., Grimmond, C. S. B., Ward, H. C., Morrison, W., & Kotthaus, S. (2017). Spatial and temporal patterns of surface?atmosphere energy exchange in a dense urban environment using scintillometry. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143(703), 817–833.
  • Morrison, W., Kotthaus, S., & Grimmond, S. (2021). Urban surface temperature observations from ground-based thermography: intra- and inter-facet variability. Urban Climate, 35.
  • Morrison, W., Yin, T., Lauret, N., Guilleux, J., Kotthaus, S., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J.-P., Norford, L., & Grimmond, S. (2020). Atmospheric and emissivity corrections for ground-based thermography using 3D radiative transfer modelling. Remote Sensing of Environment, 237.
  • Morrison, William, Kotthaus, S., Grimmond, C. S. B., Inagaki, A., Yin, T., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J.-P., Kanda, M., & Merchant, C. J. (2018). A novel method to obtain three-dimensional urban surface temperature from ground-based thermography. Remote Sensing of Environment, 215, 268–283.
  • Morrison, William, Morrison, W., Kotthaus, S., & Grimmond, S. (2021). Urban surface temperature observations from ground-based thermography: intra- and inter-facet variability.
  • Stretton MA, Morrison W, Hogan RJ, Grimmond S, 2023Evaluation of vertically resolved longwave radiation in SPARTACUS-Urban 0.7.3 and the sensitivity to urban surface temperaturesGeoscientific Model Development, 16, 5931–5947. 
  • Stretton MA, Hogan RJ, Grimmond S, Morrison W, 2023Characterising the vertical structure of buildings in cities for use in atmospheric modelsUrban Climate, 50, 101560. 
  • Ward, H. C., Kotthaus, S., Grimmond, C. S. B., Bjorkegren, A., Wilkinson, M., Morrison, W. T. J., Evans, J. G., Morison, J. I. L., & Iamarino, M. (2015). Effects of urban density on carbon dioxide exchanges: Observations of dense urban, suburban and woodland areas of southern England. Environmental Pollution, 198, 186–200.
  • Xie, X., Luo, Z., Grimmond, S., Sun, T., & Morrison, W. (2022). Impact of inter-building longwave radiative exchanges on building energy performance and indoor overheating. Building and Environment, 209, 108628.